
Showing posts from October, 2024

Humanoids from the Deep (6/10)

    " Humanoids from the Deep" is an American science fiction horror film from 1980.   Another one that is probably very niche and obscure to folks - I had certainly never heard of it at the age of 31. I went digging for some Lovecraftian horror films for the month of October and this was in the depths of Amazon Prime. (Get it? Depths? Haha!)  *** Immediate Trigger Warning: This film has two or three separate scenes of disturbing sexual assault / teratophilia. It's kind of - the main horror component. The fishmen come on land and slaughter the men and use the women as unwilling breeders for their young - which I would argue is worse than dying. If that is triggering to you, just a heads up. I could have done without it myself, but I still clicked the film despite it's crystal clear description of what to expect so that is on me. Also a dog dies. ***      Overall it was a decent enough film. Worth the watch if you're a fan of H. P. Lovecraft's stor...

Drag Me to Hell (1/10)

    "Drag Me to Hell" is a 2009 American horror film directed by Sam and Ivan Raimi. When you Google it, the header of the search engine calls it "Horror/Mystery." Wikipedia just calls it a "horror" film. But apparently it's supposed to be a bit more of a horror comedy ? I only heard that as I was looking up more info for this review. Apparently the comedic aspect is on brand, as supported by the director's other works like "Evil Dead" (which is clearly listed as a horror comedy in more than one headline, unlike "Drag Me to Hell.")      So this whole review might be a little off because I watched it through the lens of "horror" and ONLY "horror." I didn't know I was supposed to watch it as anything else. But looking back, that could be the reason I just hated this movie so much. XD I stopped watching part of the middle because it was so ridiculous, I was rolling my eyes. I watched the final few scenes lat...

Galaxy of Terror (3/10)

       "Galaxy of Terror" is an American Sci-fi/horror film from the year 1981. It was directed by Bruce D. Clark who apparently got a reputation for making these sorts of "B Movies" - ones that were lower budget and rarely the main attraction when attending a double feature. I was looking for less mainstream horror films to watch for the month of October and this weird little thing happened to be on Amazon Prime.      It... It was a film. XD It had a beginning and a middle and an end - but I don't feel like they made as much sense as they could have.       Honestly though, it's kind of sad. There was some definite potential here, it just - got fumbled. Not sure why.  *** SPOILERS ***     The whole premise seems to be "crew on spaceship picks up distress call and goes to remote planet to investigate. They find this mysterious pyramid that seems to bring their worst fears to life."     Like, that has a lot to...

Videodrome (6/10)

      "Videodrome" is a Canadian science fiction horror film from 1983. James Woods plays the main character, Max Renn, who is a CEO of a television broadcasting company that specializes in sensationalist programs - stuff that isn't respectable and classy, stuff that is meant to get a reaction even if it's outrage. He picks up a weird broadcasting signal from Pittsburgh containing what ends up being called " Videodrome ." It's a program without any plot or point, just lots of sex and violence.         This one caught my attention simply because it was in the "Body Horror" category on the Peacock streaming service. It was directed by David Cronenberg who also directed "The Fly" with Jeff Goldblum, so I took that as a good sign seeing as "The Fly" is an excellent horror film with practical effects that still hold up to this day.      The gore and body horror were super cool and grotesque and the performances of the actors were...

Salem TV Series (2/10)


Death Note Anime TV Series (7/10)

      "Death Note" is obviously one of the Greats of the Anime/Manga industry. It features the compelling story of a young man who finds a supernatural notebook that will kill whoever's name is written inside in 60 seconds.       The manga was written from 2003-2006 by Tsumugi Obha and illustrated by Takashi Obata and has sold over 30 million copies in Japan alone. It was made into a full-length anime as well as a live-action series, several films, and even a musical. I have two of the book spin-offs and a DVD of OVAs as well as the entire anime series in my collection. So that in and of itself is probably going to make my 7/10 review seem a bit odd, given how popular and how praise-worthy the story is overall.      I know my beef is probably very specific and I don't know if anyone will agree with me. But I'm gonna stick to my guns because that's just how I feel and I can't change how I feel. Before I get more specific, I think most peo...

Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities (8/10)

      Guillermo Del Toro oversaw a Netflix special in 2022 called "Cabinet of Curiosities." It was an anthology series with 8 episodes, each one with a unique story and a unique director. So it's a fun menagerie of different specials that are all roughly an hour in length. It's honestly a perfect little "sampler platter" of different horror for the month of October, or any time at all.  Overall, I really enjoyed it. Each episode was so different but they were all pretty well done. A few in particular had such a high production value - the special effects and monster designs were A+. Here are some SPOILER FREE overviews of each of the episodes, with some kind of "trigger warning" type things if you haven't watched any of it yet. Episode 1 and 2: Body horror, Rats, and Confined Spaces/Claustrophobia They're brilliantly creepy but they aren't as scary as they could be, just because you're fully aware who the danger is targeting and why...