Humanoids from the Deep (6/10)

" Humanoids from the Deep" is an American science fiction horror film from 1980. Another one that is probably very niche and obscure to folks - I had certainly never heard of it at the age of 31. I went digging for some Lovecraftian horror films for the month of October and this was in the depths of Amazon Prime. (Get it? Depths? Haha!) *** Immediate Trigger Warning: This film has two or three separate scenes of disturbing sexual assault / teratophilia. It's kind of - the main horror component. The fishmen come on land and slaughter the men and use the women as unwilling breeders for their young - which I would argue is worse than dying. If that is triggering to you, just a heads up. I could have done without it myself, but I still clicked the film despite it's crystal clear description of what to expect so that is on me. Also a dog dies. *** Overall it was a decent enough film. Worth the watch if you're a fan of H. P. Lovecraft's stor...