
Showing posts from November, 2024

The Color out of Space (9/10)


Event Horizon (8/10)

      "Event Horizon" is a 1997 sci-fi horror film directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. Sam Neill and Laurence Fishburne obviously shine as the two main leads, but the entirety of Fishburne's crew on the Lewis and Clark spaceship is a solid cast. The plot is essentially focused around the characters heading out to investigate a different spaceship - the titular Event Horizon - that disappeared without a trace 7 years earlier and suddenly hopped back into existence that day. Sam Neill plays Doctor Weir, the engineer who designed the Event Horizon  and wants to know more than anyone what happened to his project.      It sounds like this film wasn't well received at the time of its theatrical release and has now become more of a cult classic. Overall I thought it was very well-done. It is certainly a film that "isn't for everyone" so I can lend that credence to some of the lower reviews I've seen around the internet - but 34% on Rotten Tomatoes feels lik...

The Ruins (3/10)

      So "The Ruins" is a 2008 American horror movie about some folks who are on a fun trip to Mexico and they decide it would be fun to see an ancient temple that's a super cool secret, way off the beaten path. It's difficult for me to empathize with this premise because there's no way I would go near an ancient temple in the middle of the Meso-American wilderness without WAYYY more prep, if at all. Maybe I've seen too many horror movies. XD But still, it's very disrespectful to those historical sites to go walking up to them and start climbing, like people getting too close to the Pyramids. I just - wouldn't do that, so it seems to be a rather inconsiderate group of main characters to begin with.     Even if I could humor them enough to want to just SEE such a cool place, that's one thing, but they literally cross a MASSIVE MOAT OF SALTED EARTH and walk right up to the damn thing. They are immediately blocked in by a small group of Mayan locals w...